Cardboard photograph holder from 1944, with a drawing of a big band on the cover, from the Bal Tabarin nightclub in Gardena. “The Houe of Pagones” refers to club owner C.J. Pagones. (Credit: Los Angeles Public Library)
Orchestra leader Auguste Bosc opened the original Bal Tabarin nightclub in Paris, France in 1904.
Its elaborate entertainments and floor shows featuring beautiful women dancing in stunningly ornate dresses and costumes helped the club become a sensation.
American nightclub entrepreneurs picked up on the trend. Unrelated Bal Tabarin nightclubs trading on the exotic image of the original opened in Times Square in New York City, San Francisco, Chicago and Los Angeles.

Torrance Herald ad from March 15, 1934, Page 4-B, shortly after the club opened. (Credit: Historical Newspaper Archive database, Torrance Public Library)
The latter club’s opening near Hollywood and Vine in October 1932 may have inspired the South Bay’s very own version of the club.
The Bal-Tabarin, sometimes hyphenated, sometimes not, and sometimes also called “Bal Tabarin Cafe” or “Bal Tabarin Gardens,” opened at 15513 S. Western Ave. in the Moneta area of Gardena early in 1934, near the intersection of Western and Redondo Beach Blvd.
Unfortunately, exterior photos of the club are hard to come by, but the illustration on this matchbook gives us an idea of what it looked like:
The Bal-Tabarin was a full-fledged, decked-out, old-school nightclub. It offered floor shows, dancing girls, big band orchestras, musical revues and many other types of flashy entertainments.

Dance team and floor show producers Aurora Greeley and Leroy Broomfield. Undated photo. (Credit: Los Angeles Public Library)
Some of the floor shows were produced by the dance team of Aurora Greeley and Leroy Broomfield, a well-known pair of choreographers whose shows were aimed at African-American audiences.
In the club’s early days, attendance at some of the shows appear to have been racially restricted, but, in 1949, the club announced that all shows would be open to customers of all races.

Ceelle Burke’s orchestra is advertised in this Dec. 30, 1943, Torrance Herald ad. Page 5. (Credit: Historical Newspaper Archive database, Torrance Public Library)
Bandleader Ceelle Burke was another Bal Tabarin mainstay. His orchestra headlined the club for many years starting in the late 1930s. Burke released many recordings.
Among them was the first recorded version of the Joe Rene standard, “When the Swallows Come Back to Capistrano,” released by Ceelle Burke and his Rhythmettes in 1940.
Perhaps the most famous entertainer to appear at the club was jazz legend Louis Armstrong, who played a week there with his combo early in 1950.
Sadly, the club went out of business not long after that, sometime between 1950 and 1951.
A new owner brought a new direction to the club in 1951.

Torrance Herald ad for Al Royer’s Hitching Post in Gardena. April 10, 1952, Page 2. (Credit: Historical Newspaper Archive databae, Torrance Public Library)
Al Royer, who also operated Al Royer’s Red Barn in Lawndale, bought the old Bal Tabarin and converted it into Al Royer’s Hitching Post in 1951.
Royer’s clubs featured country and western, cowboy and western swing acts, who were experiencing immense popularity in the late 1940s and early 1950s, filling ballrooms all along the West Coast. (Our 2016 post takes a closer look at the phenomenon.)

Steel guitarist Kirk Patrick, far right, and his band at Al Royer’s Hitching Post in Gardena. Undated photo. (Credit: SteelGuitarForum.com website)
Royer’s Gardena club featured mostly second-tier acts, but it thrived for the next several years.
Jerry Duer bought the club in 1958, and made yet another change in musical direction. He truncated the name to just “The HItching Post,” and began booking small Las Vegas-style show bands such as the Norman Brown Quintet.
In his column of Dec. 22, 1958,The Torrance Herald’s nightlife writer Hank Wollman described how Brown and company were tearing up the club regularly with their version of “Won’t You Come Home, Bill Bailey,” during which the musicians gamboled through the club’s audience while playing their instruments.
Eventually, the club settled back into country music. It was successful well into the mid-1960s before it, too, eventually closed.

Customers enjoy the nightlife at the Bal Tabarin in Gardena in this photo from New Year’s Eve, 1944. (Credit: Los Angeles Public library)
The building later fell to the wrecking ball, and a portion of the car dealership DCH Gardena Honda currently occupies the site.
The original Bal Tabarin in Paris closed in 1953, when it was bought out by the owners of the Moulin Rouge nightclub.
A year earlier, Republic Pictures had released “Bal Tabarin,” a feature film based on and set in the Parisian night spot.
“Bal Tabarin, Gardena, California,” floor show review by Sam Abbott, The Billboard, May 15, 1943.
Calisphere.org website.
Daily Breeze files.
Los Angeles Times files.
Pittsburgh Courier, Dec. 24, 1949, Page 19.
Skyscraper Page Forum website, forum.skyscraperpage.com.
“The Hitching Post in Gardena, Ca.,” The Steel Guitar Forum website.
Torrance Herald files.

Torrance Herald ad, March 2, 1944, Page 4-A. (Credit: Historical Newspaper Archive database, Torrance Public Library)