Construction of 63 homes being built along a 60-foo-wide abandoned railroad right of way sandwiched between “Little Normandie” (left) and “Big Normandie” (right) is finally under way about 17 years after it was first approved by the city of LA. March 2, 2017. (Daily Breeze staff file photo)
When you look back at the history of local developments, one theme keeps resurfacing: Sometimes, it takes a long time for drawing-board plans to become reality.
A recent blog post about Columbia Park noted this phenomenon, and the theme crops up again in this week’s entry, as we examine why what is now is known as the Pacific Bougainvillea housing development in Harbor Gateway has taken 36 years to begin to reach fruition.
The saga starts even longer ago than that, at the turn of the 20th Century.
The Los Angeles Interurban Railway System built one of its Red Car routes along Normandie Avenue in 1903. It became part of the Pacific Electric Railway system in 1911. The section was part of the San Pedro red car line and paralleled the street.
The San Pedro line was shut down, along with most of the Red Car lines, in 1961.
That left a unused, 60-foot-wide strip of right-of-way along Normandie, roughly from Torrance Boulevard south to 225th Street, to lie fallow for many years. A Harbor Gateway neighborhood grew up around it, Normandale, which includes Halldale Elementary School and Halldale Park.

A portion of the vacant land alongside the Normandie Avenue right of way. “Little Normandie” at right. Oct. 20, 2000. (Daily Breeze staff file photo)
Houses filled in the land west of the right of way, but the railroad strip cut them off from Normandie, so a smaller street, which became known as “Little Normandie,” was built to give residents access, much like a similar street next to its bigger namesake in West Los Angeles became known as “Little Santa Monica Boulevard.”
The abandoned right-of-way became a hot-button issue in May 1981 when the R.J.B.R. Development Co. of Harbor City announced it was negotiating with the land’s current owner, the Southern Pacific Railroad, for a long-term lease on the skinny 13-block plot of land.
R.J.B.R. President Michael J. Russo said his company planned to build about 60 single-family residences offering “affordable housing” on the land. They would face onto Little Normandie, and be separated from “big” Normandie by brick walls.

Houses go up on the right of way in this view looking north on Little Normandie Avenue. (December 2017 photo by Sam Gnerre)
Residents protested the unusual proposal. At a May 13 zoning hearing in downtown Los Angeles, Russo’s proposal failed to win approval, and he withdrew it. Temporarily.
R.J.B.R. tried again in 1984 with a scaled-down version of the plan. Once again, residents rose up with a petition opposing it, and the plan was defeated. The land remained an empty dirt strip.
Upon learning that Southern Pacific was negotiating to sell the land for development in June 1989, a group of Normandale opponents offered an alternative plan: instead of housing, why not convert the skinny strip into a greenbelt and pocket park to beautify the neighborhood?
Because, the city responded at a July 1989 meeting, Los Angeles could not afford the $4 million it would take to implement the greenbelt plan. The project died out much as the housing projects had earlier: now, neither houses nor parkland were being built on the contested plots.
Fast forward to 2000. Southern Pacific entered into negotiations to sell the land to Garfield Financial Corp., which wants to go ahead with the housing development. Old arguments of development vs. greenbelt have resurfaced.
The Los Angeles city planning panel voted 5-4 to approve the housing development, and construction began on three houses near the northern end of the land near Torrance Boulevard. But the project stalls out, and the houses will remain unfinished. For the next 17 years.

The Pacific Bougainvillea development under construction. View looking north from Carson Street and Normandie Avenue, with Little Normandie at left. (December 2017 photo by Sam Gnerre)
The original developer went bankrupt during the 2008 financial crisis. A second developer came in to take over the reins for the 63-house plan, now known as Pacific Bougainvillea, but lacked the financial resources to keep the project moving.
The land continued to be a mostly empty dumping ground until Newport Beach-based Pacific Communities took over the project early in 2017. The developers gutted those three original houses and rebuilt them, and two of them sold almost immediately.
As of December 2017, construction continues along the length of the right of way. The houses are in various stages of completion up and down the strip of land from Torrance Boulevard to Carson Street, with the lots below Carson down to 225th Street now being plowed for construction.
The three-, four- and five-bedroom houses, many of them designed to accommodate multiple families, currently are selling in the $750,000-to’$800,000 range. Builders estimate the project will be complete and all units sold in about two years.
Oh, and there will be a pocket park built at the far southern end of the development.

Houses under construction line the Normandie Avenue right of way in this view looking north. Brick walls separate houses from “Big Normandie.” (December 2017 photo by Sam Gnerre)
Daily Breeze files.
Los Angeles Times files.